Hi My Name Kevin Jamar Williams also know as"DaDub" and im here to tell you
a little about myself.
I was born on April 20,1988 in Detroit Michigan by two beautiful and loving
parents Jerome williams Sr. and JoAnn Williams.
When I was 15yrs Old i was hit by a car on July 11,2003 by my church home
Solomon's Temple Church Of Our Lord Jesus Christ Pastor Bishop William L.
During the time of my accident I went in to a comma forTwenty-One Day Ive
recieve a broken Right-leg a broken shoulder bone on the Left
and a Trimatic Brain Injury,, Many people thought I wasn't going to make
it. Through the prayers of the beleiver of The Lord is why im here today..
Im a graduated of Southfeild Lathrup High School.
ILove Gosple Music and im also save in Jesus Name and I really want to
change the industry because to many of Our Kids is dying off This Rap Music
and im willing to change it for the BETTER... EVERY BODY LET'S DO THIS FOR
JESUS............. This Kevin'DaDub" Williams Be READY 4 THA